After consulting with Network Media Tank forum
http://www.networkedmediatank.com/ and Popcorn Hour support I tested my unit by using external Chieftec 850W (bah...) ATX power supply. C-200 woke up from coma and the problem was located. Popcorn Hour C-200 PSU was simply dead. After few letters back and forth with Popcorn I decided, that best way to get equipment up and running again is to repair it myself and let them ship only PSU. People from
http://www.networkedmediatank.com/ told, that RMA is really long process, together with shipping almost 2-3 months in some cases. So, I accepted self repair option.
Got new PSU today, changed it in 7 minutes and C-200 is running better than ever again :) New PSU is a bit differently labelled, but internals seemed quite similar, as much as I disovered under the hood.
I have to say, that Popcorn Hour web-based support in top-notch. Didn't have any problem with delays or other.