TwonkyMedia has news. They changed their ancient website to more modern, updated server 4.4.9 to 5.0 and added brand new product - Media Manager. Actually Media Server is now a component in Media Manager (also separately downloadable).

Twonky Media Manager 1.0
This product is for PC / Notebook scenario. In case, You are using NAS or dedicated Linux / PC server, You may upgrade to Media Server 5.0
Main improvements in version 5.0
- new database structure that uses less memory;
- server-side user-playlist support;
- new transcoding architecture;
- new plug-in that includes support for Internet feeds like Flickr photo, YouTube™ video
- new Internet radio stations
More detailed test later. Be tuned :)
Glad to see you're back...I was about to remove your RSS feed !
I got a bad experience with this media manager thing...slow, not very pretty etc..
More over the server 5 has a strange problem with X360 and do not read some video the previous version was reading.
However no problem with my popcorn hour :)
Yes, all new versions are quite "raw" and unfinished in media streaming area because of lacking standardisation and many different approaches.
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